Nanoindenter Hysitron TI Premier
The TI Premier makes nanoscale mechanical and tribological characterization simple and consistent. This system provides a variety of standard nanoscale characterization techniques with unparalleled accuracy and precision. The TI Premier Hysitron has in situ SPM imaging capability and capacitive transducer technology, making the system applicable to the widest range of materials and devices. Motorized staging, top-down color optics, anti- vibration system, environmental enclosure, control software, and fast digital electronics decrease time to results and ease instrument use. The TI Premier offers automated testing routines for increased testing throughout and minimized operator interaction.

1.Mechanical Properties 2. Tribology
Elastic Modulus Friction
Hardness Wear
Creep In-situ nanoscratch
Interfacial Adhesion
Images of Surface & Indent