
Following Major Contribution has been made by the Centre in the field of Water Resources so far

Project and Consultancy Works

  1. Upgradation of Fluid Mechanics Laboratory under Network Program with the IIT Delhi in 1986-1988
  2. Model Studies for Dal Lake tributary Telbal Nalah for Settling Basin, Weir and other related Head Works.
  3. Model Studies for Babul Canal Tangmarg Kashmir
  4. Designing of Telbal Nallah Head Works
  5. Brari Nambal Lagoon Outflow Structures
  6. Hydropower Potential Assessment in Chadoora Area of Distrcit Badgam Kashmir
  7. Catchment Characteristic estimation for Dal Lake Catchment
  8. Jhelum Flood Spill Channel improvement Studies
  9. Sewerage System for NIT Srinagar
  10. Solid Waste Management for Urban Local Bodies of Kashmir- Appraisa
  11. Development of Manacher Nallah Lolab for Irrigation, Navigation and Tourism
  12. Modified Low Cost Solar Water Purifier- An innovative Project . Patent Granted
  13. Low cost Gas Vent for LPG Heaters - An innovative Project . Patent Granted
  14. Solar Water Cooler for Remote Areas--An innovatice project --Patent Granted
  15. Portable low cost instant water filter---Patent Published
  16. Low cost atmospheric moisture extractor---Patent Published
  17. Portable solar water heater--Patent Published

Professor Chair in Water Resources Engineering


A Chair Professor in Water Resources , entitled, Sheikhul Alam Sheikh Nuruddin Chair for Water Resources has been established by the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) in the Centre in 2008.

The main objective of the Chair is to carry out studies on water resources with special emphasis on assessment of effect of climate change particularly in Indus Basin.

Key Resources Centre for the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation

The Centre has been recently identified as the Key Resources Centre by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation Govt. of India . The main Objective of establishing the KRC is to Upgrade knowledge, skills and attitudes of the PHED engineers, and other stakeholders and Equip the trainees intellectually and professionally for carrying out their assigned works more effectively and efficiently.

Nodal Centre for Climate Change Studies under the Ministry of Water Resources, GOI

The Centre is one of the Nodal Centres for the Ministry of Water Resources GOI for Climate Change Studies, with reference to the Indus Basin and its tributaries.

Collaboration with other Reputed Institutes of the Country

The Centre has a recently entered into a Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) with the following Institutes for Collaborative Studies in the field of Water Resources.

  1. National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee
  2. National Institute of Technology, Surat

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