The Department has following Labs:  

1.  Analog Electronics LAB                                              2.  Digital Electronic LAB       

3.  Communication Systems LAB                                     4.  Computational LAB     

5.  Microprocessors LAB                                                  6.  Microwave Engineering LAB

7.  Image Processing and Telemedicine LAB                     8.  Biometrics LAB                                       

9.  Machine Learning LAB                                               10. Information and Network security LAB     

11. Advanced Communication LAB                                  12. Optical fiber Communication LAB

13. Embedded Systems & Signal Processing Lab             14. VLSI LAB

15. Thin Film Transistor LAB                                            16. Advanced Characterization LAB

17. Communication Control and Learning LAB

Digital Electronics and Logic Design Lab (ECE-707P)

List of Experiments:

1. To verify the truth tables of logic gates

2. To implement XOR and XNOR using universal logic gates.

3. To Verify Demorgan’s Law and Implement Boolean Expressions.

4. Design And Realize Adder/ Subtractor Circuits.

5. To design a multiplexer/demultiplexer using two input NAND gates.

6. To design a 4 bit binary to decimal converter.

7. Design And Realize Flip Flops Using Logic Gates.

8. Given a frequency f obtain the waveforms with frequencies f/2, F/4 & f/8.

9. To Design A Modulo-10 Counter.

10. Use PLL as (a) Frequency multiplier (b) Frequency demodulator


Electronics I Lab (ECE-402P)

List of Experiments:

1. To Construct A Common Emitter Amplifier Configuration Using BJT And Determination Of The Gain-Frequency Response.

2. Study of Op-Amp as Inverting and Non-Inverting Amplifiers

3. Study of Op-Amp as an Integrator

4. Study of Op-Amp as a Differentiator

5. Study Working Of an RC Phase Shift Oscillator

6. Design a Low Pass Filter Using Op-Amp

7. Design a High Pass Filter Using Op-Amp


Electronic Circuits II Lab (ECE-404P)

List of Experiments:

1. To assemble a common emitter amplifier using BJT and determine its frequency response.

2. To assemble a current series feedback amplifier and study its performance.

3.To obtain the frequency response of op amp and hence find its bandwidth.

4.To determine the slew rate and CMRR of op amp.

5.To use op-amp as inverting and non-inverting amplifier.

6. To use op-amp as an integrator and differentiator.

7. To assemble an RC phase shift oscillator and determine its frequency of oscillation.

8.To design and construct a low pass filter using op-amp and determine its cut off frequency.

9.To design and construct a high pass filter using op-amp and determine its cut off frequency.

10.To assemble a Schmitt trigger circuit and to obtain its characteristics and thus use it as a squaring circuit.

11.To study the performance of multivibrator circuits using 555 timer in astable, bistable and monostable modes.


Communication Systems I Lab (ECE-405P)

List of Experiments:

1. Generation and detection of amplitude modulated signals

2. Generation and detection of frequency modulated signals

3. To measure sensitivity, selectivity, and fidelity of a radio receiver

4. To generate PAM and PDM signals using IC 555

5. To test a pulse code modulator

6. To measure the noise figure of the following systems

A. A.M. System

B. F.M. System


Microwave Engineering  Lab (ECE-805P)

List of Experiments:

1. To determine the characteristic impedance of lumped constant delay line.

2. To study voltage distribution along a lumped constant delay line in the cases when it is (i) Open Circuited, (ii) Short Circuited and (iii) Terminated in Z0 and hence determine α, β, γ and λ1.

3. To study the method of measuring VSWR at the input of the component under test or unknown load when

i. VSWR<10

ii. VSWR>10

4. To set up an LOS link using microwave horn antennas and study the link performance under different obstructions.

5. To study the method of evolution of an unknown load impedance by measuring VSWR and the position of voltage minimum.

6. (i) To study the characteristics of wave propagation in a waveguide by studying standing wave pattern and hence plot W.B diagram

(ii) To verify relation between guide wavelength and free space wave length.

7. To study the method of measurement of VSWR at the input of the component under test (say pyramidal horn) and hence to determine its input impedance.

8. To measure the frequency of a microwave source.

9.To study the Gunn oscillator as a source of microwave power and hence to study.

i. I-V Characteristics.

ii. Power Frequency Characteristics.

10. To measure the main line and auxiliary line VSWR of a Directional Coupler.

11. To study the properties of E and H-plane waveguide tee junctions and to determine isolations, coupling coefficients and input VSWR.


Microprocessor Lab (ECE-506P)

List of Experiments:

1. Addition of Two 8-Bit Numbers

2. Subtraction of Two 8 Bit Numbers

3. Addition of Two 16 – Bit Numbers

4. Subtraction of Two 16 – Bit Numbers

5. Multiplication of Two 8 – Bit Numbers

6. Division of Two 8 – Bit Numbers

7. Ascending order

8. Descending order

9. Factorial of 8 Bit Number

10. Fibanocci Series


Laboratory Practices in Electronics & Metallurgical Industrial InstrumentationLab (ECE-406P)

List of Experiments:

1. Study of CRO

2. Characteristics of PN Junction Diode

3. Characteristics of a Zener Diode

4. Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator

5. PN Junction Diode as Half Wave Rectifier

6. PN Junction Diode as Full Wave Rectifier

7. Full Wave Bridge Rectifier With and Without Filter

8. Characteristics of Common Base BJT

9. Characteristics of Common Emitter BJT

10. Characteristics of Common Collector BJT

11. BJT as an Amplifier.


Electronic Design and AutomationTools I (ECE-606P)

List of Experiments:

1. To implement basic OR and AND gate

2. To implement universal NOR and NAND gates.

3. To implement MUX/DEMUX and realize different logic functions using them.

4. To implement Half Adder and Full Adder

5. To implement Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor

6. To implement 8:3 Encoder and 3:8 Decoder.

7. To implement SR Flip Flop.

8. To implement D Flip Flop.

9. To implement JK Flip Flop.


Electronic Design and AutomationTools II (ECE-707P)

List of Experiments:

1. Installation of SCILAB with the basic information of SCILAB workspace and working directory.

2. Creating matrices and some simple matrix operations.

3. Creating and manipulating polynomials.

4. Using Control statements to perform various operations.

5. Create your own functions in SCILAB.

6. To work on graphics, 2D and 3D graphs.

7. To plot a histogram, bar-histogram, and idea of animation.

8. To study applications of XCOS in signal processing.

9. To study the conversion of MATLAB source file to SCILAB source file.


Optical Communication  Lab (ECE-072E)

List of Experiments:

1: Setting up a Fiber Optic Analog Link

2: Setting up a Fiber Optic Digital Link

3: Losses in Optical Fiber

4: Measurement of numerical aperture using OFT

5: Mode Observation in Single Mode & Multimode Optical Fiber

6: Finding the Numerical Aperture of the Multimode Optical Fiber using He-Ne Laser

7: Finding Propagation loss in multimode optical fiber using cutback method

8: Study of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) (Scientech 2505 kit).

9: Initial Fiber End Preparation (Connectorisation).

10: Transmission through a Gap Between Fibers.

11: Setting Up Fiber Optic Analog Link using FCL-03.

12: Observing attenuation losses over various lengths of fiber using FCL-01 & FCL -02.

13: Study of Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) over analog optical fiber link using FCL-01 & FCL-02.

14: Setting up of digital optical fiber link using FCL-03.

15: Study of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) over digital optical fiber link for different frequencies of carrier pulses using FCL-03.

16: Study of Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) over digital optical fiber link.

17: Study of Amplitude Modulation using FCL-01 and FCL-02

18: Measurement of Numerical Aperture using FCL-01.


Image Processing Lab (ECE-071E)

List of Experiments:

1. Image Acquisition, digitization and Display.

2. Application of edge detection techniques on images.

3. Enhancement of images using histogram equalization

4. Segmentation of images using thresholding and region growing.

5. Contrast enhancement using intensity transformation functions.

6. Image processing using spatial domain filtering.

7. 2D Discrete Fourier Transform (2d-dft) of an Image.

8. Image Processing using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).

9. Image Compression using Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).

10. Image Debulrring using Wiener Filter.

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