Project Design


TEQIP seeks to enhance quality and equity in participating engineering education institutions and improve the efficiency of the engineering education system in focus states.
The Project will support two components:

Component - 1: Improving quality and equity in engineering institutions in focus states

  • Sub-component 1.1 : Institutional Development for Participating Institutions

An estimated 90 Engineering Education institutions meeting (progressively) the enabling mechanisms and based on meeting minimum standards in quality of Institutional Development Proposals (IDPs), will be selected.
Institutions are required to define the activities in their IDP that they want to carry out in the project. These activities should be under the scope of the project and are those that fulfil the objectives of the project. However, some of the suggested activities under the scope of the project are given below:

  • Procurement of Goods (equipment, furniture, books LRs, software and minor items) and minor civil works.
  • Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research competence.
    • Improve student learning
    • Student employability
    • Increasing faculty productivity and motivation
    • Establishing a twinning system
      • Twinning arrangements with high performing institutions under Sub-component 1.3 to build capacity and improved performance
    • Recruitment and retention of high quality faculty (through better faculty appraisal systems and the faculty recruitment plan). (Consultant services if required, can also be procured for the above said activities.)


  • Sub-component 1.2 : Widening Impact through ATUs in focus states

All ATUs meeting the enabling mechanisms will be selected. The various activities are to be supported by the Action Plans from the ATUs. Some of the suggested activities are:

  • Procurement of Goods (equipment, furniture, books LRs, software and minor items) and minor civil works
    • Centralized Research hubs opened to all faculty of affiliated institutions
    • Establishing/improving ERP/management information system for student, staff and faculty data
    • Improving financial management and procurement
    • A modern HR system for efficient personnel management
  • Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research Competence of affiliated institutions
    • Mentoring of affiliated institutions and promoting of applications to UGC/NBA
    • Increasing faculty productivity and motivation
    • Twinning arrangements with ATUs under Sub-component 1.3 to build capacity and improved performance
    • Preparation of massive open online courses (also referred to as MOOCs), facilitating access of institutions to MOOCs
    • Filling up of faculty vacancies
    • Developing credit-based systems such that students in institutions could use select e-learning courses as part of their degree programs
    • Greater access to digital resources
    • Improving institutional governance
    • Improve student learning
    • Student employability

(Consultant services if required, can also be procured for the above said activities.)


  • Sub-component 1.3 : Twinning Arrangements to Build Capacity and Improve Performance of Participating Institutions and ATUs

Institutions (already participated in TEQIP-I and/or II)/ATUs will be selected on a competitive basis through Challenge Method. Selection will proceed in 3 stages. At the first stage, Eligibility criteria will be used to shortlist the TEQIP-I/TEQIP-II institutes/ Universities followed by ranking on the basis of their performance assessment. Top rankers from stage-1 will be invited to submit Institution Development Proposals (IDPs) in stage-2. The institutions will proceed to stage 3 for final selection. The proposal should include establishing a mentoring system for twinning arrangements to build the capacity and improvement in performance of institution/ATUs participating under sub-component 1.1/1.2 respectively.
Institutions are required to define the activities in their IDP that they want to carry out in the project. These activities should be under the scope of the project and are those that fulfil the objectives of the project. However, some of the suggested activities under the scope of the project are given below:

  • Procurement of Goods (equipment, furniture, books LRs, software and minor items) and minor civil works
  • Improvement in Teaching, Learning and Research competence
    • Improve student learning
    • Student employability
    • Increasing faculty productivity and motivation
    • Establishing a twinning system
      • Twinning arrangements with institutions under Sub-component 1.1 to build capacity and improved performance
      • Individual Institutional mentors

(Consultant services if required, can also be procured for the above said activities.)

Component-2: System Level initiatives to strengthen sector governance and performance

This component will support MHRD and key apex bodies in engineering education, including AICTE and NBA, to strengthen the overall system of engineering education. The activities are:

  • Provide technical assistance to AICTE and NBA
  • Professional development of Technical Education and TEQIP administrators in the project States and project institutions
  • Initiatives for Effective Governance System of institutions at the level of Board of Governors
  • Implementing Direct Benefit Transfer System to ensure fund transfer electronically to SPIUs and institutions, and
  • Project monitoring & evaluation
  • All institutes and ATUs in the Project, as well as those government and government-aided institutes that participated in TEQIP I and/or II but are not participating in TEQIP III and ATUs not part of the Project, will be linked to the National Knowledge Network. Last mile connectivity will be provided by the Project.
  • 24x7 broadband connectivity and Wi-Fi access in all academic and administrative buildings and hostels.
  • Developing or establishing technology learning centers at all universities which affiliate engineering colleges

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