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Electrical Machines Laboratory
List of Experiments:
Experiment 1: Study of different pats of a DC machine .
Experiment 2: Saturation curve of DC shunt generator .
Experiment 3: External characteristics of a DC shunt generator .
Experiment 4: Voltage build up of a DC shunt generator .
Experiment 5: Speed control of DC shunt motor.
Experiment 6: External characteristics of DC series generator.
Paper Published Elsevier:-
Danish Rafiq and Mohammad Abid Bazaz titled Nonlinear Model Order Reduction via Nonlinear Moment Matching with Dynamic Mode Decomposition, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics Vol. 128
Paper Published IEEE Transactions:-
Tabish Nazir Mir, Bhim Singh, A. H. Bhat, FS-MPC Based Speed Sensorless Control of Matrx Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive with Zero Common Mode voltage IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
Paper Published Alexandria Engineering Journal:-
A paper by Junaid Farooq, Muhammad Abid Bazaz titled A Deep Learning algorithm for modeling and forecasting of COVID-19 in five worst affected states of India has been accepted for publication in Alexandria Engineering Journal
Paper Published IOS Press:-
Dr. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh research paper entitled, " Equivalent circuit modelling of a three phase to seven phase transformer using PSO,” has been accepted in Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press
Tabish Nazir Mir, Bhim Singh and Abdul Hamid Bhat, "Predictive Speed Estimation for Encoderless Control of an Induction Motor Fed by Delta Sigma Modulated Matrix Converter" IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
Tabish Nazir Mir, Bhim Singh, Abdul Hamid Bhat titled "Delta Sigma Modulation Based Common Mode Voltage Elimination in Direct Matrix Converter " IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (I.F. 7.377).
'Team NIT Srinagar' with Dr. Asadur Rahman Assistant Professor as Team Leader and six final year B.Tech EED students have taken part in International BRICS Youth Energy Outlook 2020, Moscow Russia. The teams presentation has been acknowledged by the organizers which is an achievement for the Institute to be connected globally in this platform.
7 students of Electrical Engineering Department are placed in Power Grid Corporation Ltd. (PGCL)
Taylor and Francis
Paper accepted:-Deepak Sharma and Abdul Hamid Bhat, " Neural Network Controlled Space Vector PWM for High Power Factor Converter Under Perturbed Conditions " IETE Journal of Research (Taylor & Francis)
Dr. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh, has published a research paper “Equivalent Circuit Modelling of a Three-phase to Seven-phase Transformer Using PSO and GA,” in Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press, pp. 1-10, March 2021. (SCI)
Mehrun Nisha, Marya Andleeb and Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh have published “Effect of Partial Shading on a PV Array and Its Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Particle Swarm Optimization,” in Journal of Physics, vol. 1817, no. 1, pp. 1-14, March 2021. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1817/1/012025 (SCOPUS)
Aditya Kumar, Marya Andleeb, Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh, “Design and Analysis of Solar PV Rooftop in Motihari,” Journal of Physics, vol. 1817, no. 1, pp. 1-14, March 2021. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1817/1/012019 (SCOPUS)
Paper Published Journal of Power Electronics:-
Aaqib Ahmad Qureshi and Abdul Hamid Bhat, " Comparative Analysis of Unit Template, SRF and the Modified SRF Technique in DSTATCOM Based Distribution System " International Journal of Power Electronics.
Humaira Altaf, Abdul Hamid Bhat "Performance Investigation of a Transistor-Clamped H-Bridge Inverter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Mitigating Various Power Quality Problems" has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Power Electronics.
Paper Published Wiley:-
-Dr. Asadur Rahman, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EE published one SCIE journal paper titled "Load frequency control of multi-source electrical power system integrated with solar-thermal and electric vehicle" in Wiley International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (May' 2021).
-Chandra Sekhar O, Lakhimsetty S. titled Direct torque control scheme for a five-level multipoint clamped inverter fed induction motor drive using fractional-order PI controller. in Int Trans Electr Energy Syst. 2020;e12474.
-A. H. Bhat, Chandra Sekhar O, Lakhimsetty S. titled A Comparative Experimental Analysis of Fractional Order PI Controller Based Direct Torque Control Scheme for Induction Motor Drive, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems.
"Dr. Asadur Rahman, AP, EED is listed in AD Scientific Index 2021. He is one of the 5 researchers of NIT Srinagar to be listed in AD Scientific Index 2021."
Paper Published Springer:-
Danish Rafiq, M. A. Bazaz, Adaptive parametric sampling scheme for nonlinear model order reduction. Nonlinear Dynamics (2021).
Danish Rafiq and M. A. Bazaz, titled A framework for parametric reduction in large-scale nonlinear dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dyn (2020), Springer.
Dr. Asadur Rahman:-
-Best Paper with Cash prize conferred to Sheikh Safiullah, Asadur Rahman, Zahid Farooq for their paper entitled, “Techno-economic feasibility of electric vehicles for power system operations” in 9th International Conference in the series of Youth’25 “Envisioning India’s Future” organized by Jaipuria Institute of Management during 17-19 Feb - 2022.
-Best Paper Award conferred to Sheikh Safiullah, Asadur Rahman and Malik Suhaib Aijaz for their paper entitled, “Optimal Control of a Two-Area Hybrid Microgrid System Incorporating Electric Vehicles” in IEEE-IAS International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE-2021) organized by NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya from 1-3 Dec’ 2021.
-Sponsored R&D Project as Project Investigator titled “Implementation and Testing of Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic-Thermal (PV-T) PORT technology” funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany for a period of 1 (one) year w.e.f 17th March 2022. Project cost is 42,000 Euros equivalent to INR 35,20,566/- (Rupees thirty-five lakhs twenty thousand five hundred and sixty-six only) @INR 83.82/euro. [w.e.f 17-03-2022]
-Consultancy Project on “Inspection of 20 kWp grid solar power plant established at Govt. Silk Factory Rajbagh under World Bank funded Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project” for M/s M.M. Shawl Engineers & Contractors Pvt. Ltd., Srinagar. [w.e.f 24-03-2022].
-Publicity & Public Relation Chair for 4th IEEE International Conference on Energy, Power & Environment (ICEPE-2022), NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India.
-Organized as “Chair”, Special Track titled “Performance Evaluation of Electrical Systems” in IEEE-IAS International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE)-2021 at NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya held on 1-3 Dec’ 2021.
Paper Published:-
S. Safiullah, A. Rahman, S.A. Lone, “A 2nd order Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for coordinated frequency-voltage control of deregulated hybrid power system with optimal electric-vehicle integration” Elsevier Electrical Power System Research (EPSR), Vol. 210, 108129, June 2022. DOI:
Research Assistant Position Under Dr. Farhad Ilahi Bakhsh:-
Applications are invited from interested candidates for a temporary engagement as a Research Assistant for a research project “Application of Variable Frequency Transformer for Integration of Solar Photo-voltaic and Wind Energy Systems using Typhoon HIL” sponsored by the Typhoon HIL GmbH, Switzerland.
Electrical Engineering/Qualification_of_RA.pdf
Research Project acceptedSERB (DST)
Research project by Prof. A H. Bhat and Dr. Obbu Chandra Sekhar entitled "Design and Development of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Voltage Boosting & On-board Charging Capabilities " for an amount of Rs. 57.0 lacs under SERB has been sanctioned.
Best Paper Award conferred to Junaid Farooq and Muhamad Abid Bazaz for their paper entitled "Deep Learning for Self- Tuning of Control Systems" at the “International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI 2021)” organized by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and Mahindra University, in collaboration with NVIDIA and Tech Mahindra, at Hyderabad from 25-27 August 2021.
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