Power System-III

Course content of PS-III is not completely covered by single author on NPTEL or SWAYAM so I am sending link of NPTEL according to syllabus.

Course content:

Load Flows:

Nature and importance of the problem, Network model formulation, algorithm for the formulation of Ybus matrix, formulation of Ybus by singular transformation, primitive network, Bus incidence matrix, load flow problem, load flow equations, bus classification – List of variables in load flow equations, Gauss - Seidel & Newton-Raphson method for solving load flow problem, comparison of load flow methods, De-coupled & Fast de-coupled power flow method, Modeling of tap-changing transformers and phase-shifters


2. Power System Stability:

The stability problem, steady state, dynamic and transient stability, rotor dynamics and swing equation, power- angle curve, equal-area criterion of stability, Numerical solution of swing equation, Factors affecting transient stability.


3. Automatic Generation Control:

Real power balance and its effect on system frequency, load frequency control of single

area system – Models of speed governing system, turbine and generator load, steady state

analysis and dynamic response, proportional plus integral control, two area load frequency

control, economic dispatch control.


4. Control of voltage and Reactive Power:

Generation and absorption of reactive power, Relation between voltage and reactive power,

Need for voltage control at various system buses, Methods of voltage control – injection of

reactive power, tap changing transformers, booster transformers, phase – shift transformers


5. Economic Operation of Power System:

Introduction, system constraints, economic dispatch neglecting losses, penalty factor,

economic dispatch with losses, transmission loss equation, automatic load dispatching.

Unit 1: Load flow


Power flow-I to Review of Power flow study by Prof. A K Sinha, IIT Kgp.

Unit 2: Power system Stability


Power system stability -I to Power system stability -VIII by Prof. A K Sinha, IIT Kgp.

Unit 3: Automatic generation control


Automatic generation control to automatic generation control (cont) by Prof D P Kothari, IIT Delhi

Unit 4: Control of voltage and reactive power


voltage stability


voltage regulation to compensation of transmission line

Unit 5: Economic operation of power system


optimal system operation to optimal generation scheduling


Module 2


week 8 to week 9



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