Recently Published Books






(3) Manual of Geotechnical Laboratory Soil Testing

By: Bashir Ahmed Mir



(5) INNOVATIVE  MINDSET (ISBN: 978-620-3-30813-6)

S.N. Authors Title Year Journal
1 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Comparative Analysis of Background Subtraction and CNN Algorithms for Mid-Block Traffic Data Collection and Classification 2020 International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
2 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. A Laboratory-Scale Study on the Bio-cementation Potential of Distinct River Sediments Infused with Microbes 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
3 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. An Experimental Study on the Bio-cementation and Bio-clogging Effect of Bacteria in Improving Weak Dredged Soils 2020 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
4 Tabbussum, R., Dar, A.Q. Comparison of fuzzy inference algorithms for stream flow prediction 2020 Neural Computing and Applications
5 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Fayaz, S., Mir, M.S. Comparison of various shear connectors for improved structural performance in CFS concrete composite slabs 2020 Engineering Structures
6 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Correction to: Effect of Biological Cementation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Dredged Soils with Emphasis on Micro-structural Analysis  2020 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
7 Nisar, N., Bhat, J.A. Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1M HCl and 0.5m TCA by watermelon rind extract 2020 Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering
8 Gulzar, S.M., Mir, F.U.H., Rafiqui, M., Tantray, M.A. Damage assessment of residential constructions in post-flood scenarios: a case of 2014 Kashmir floods 2020 Environment, Development and Sustainability
9 Dar, L.A., Shah, M.Y. Deep-Seated Slope Stability Analysis and Development of Simplistic FOS Evaluation Models for Stone Column-Supported Embankments 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
10 Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q., (...), Mir, B.H., Dar, B.A. Design criteria of protective filters based on particle shape and gradation parameters 2020 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
11 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Development of indices for sustainability of transportation systems: A review of state-of-the-art 2020 Ecological Indicators
12 Shah, P.M., Mir, M.S. Effect of kaolinite clay/SBS on rheological performance of asphalt binder 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
13 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Effect of Microbial Stabilization on the Unconfined Compressive Strength and Bearing Capacity of Weak Soils 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
14 Gull, I., Tantray, M.A. Effect of short carbon fibres on the fresh state and compressive strength properties of self-compacting concrete 2020 International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties
15 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Effectiveness of polycarboxylate ether on early strength development of alccofine concrete 2020 Pollack Periodica
16 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Atif, M., (...), Anbarasu, M., Lim, J.B.P. Efficient cross-sectional profiling of built up CFS beams for improved flexural performance 2020 Steel and Composite Structures
17 Din, I.M.U., Mir, M.S. Experimental investigation of low viscosity grade binder modified with Fischer Tropsch-Paraffin wax 2020 International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
18 Sheikh, I.R., Shah, M.Y. Experimental Investigation on the Reuse of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement over Weak Subgrade 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
19 Mir, B.A., Majid, B. Experimental study of behavior of geosynthetic reinforced two layer foundation system 2020 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019
20 Sheikh, I.R., Shah, M.Y. Experimental study on geocell reinforced base over dredged soil using static plate load test 2020 International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
21 Adil Dar, M., Subramanian, N., Dar, D.A., (...), Lim, J.B.P., Mahjoubi, S. Flexural Strength of cold-formed steel built-up composite beams with rectangular compression flanges 2020 Steel and Composite Structures
22 Bhat, F.S., Mir, M.S. Investigating the effects of nano Al2O3 on high and intermediate temperature performance properties of asphalt binder 2020 Road Materials and Pavement Design
23 Mir, B.A. Laboratory study on the effect of plastic waste additive on shear strength of marginal soil 2020 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
24 Mohi Ud Din, I., Mir, M.S. Laboratory study on the use of copper slag and RAP in WMA pavements 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
25 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Microbial geo-technology in ground improvement techniques: a comprehensive review 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
26 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Modeling sustainable mobility using fuzzy logic: an application to selected indian states 2020 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
27 Altaf, Y., Ahangar, M., Fahimuddin, M. Modelling snowmelt runoff in Lidder River Basin using coupled model 2020 International Journal of River Basin Management
28 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Pande, S., Dar, A.R., Raju, J. Performance evaluation of different strengthening measures for exterior RC beam-column joints under opening moments 2020 Structural Engineering and Mechanics
29 Rasool, T., Dar, A.Q., Wani, M.A. Quantification of Spatial Variability of Soil Physical Properties in a Lesser Himalayan Sub-Basin of India 2020 Eurasian Soil Science
30 Mudasir, P., Naqash, J.A. Refinement of concrete characteristic properties with multi walled carbon nano tubes 2020 International Journal on Emerging Technologies
31 Samala, H.R., Mir, B.A. Some studies on microstructural behaviour and unconfined compressive strength of soft soil treated with SiO2 nanoparticles 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
32 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Stabilization of Weak Dredged Soils by Employing Waste Boulder Crusher Dust: A Laboratory Study 2020 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
33 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Strain-sensing characteristics of self-consolidating concrete with micro-carbon fibre 2020 Australian Journal of Civil Engineering
34 Mohi Ud Din, I., Mir, M.S. Study of warm mix asphalt using reclaimed asphalt pavement and copper slag: A review 2020 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
35 Farooq, A., Mir, F.A. Subgrade stabilization using non-biodegradable waste material 2020 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
36 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Sustainable Transportation Attainment Index: multivariate analysis of indicators with an application to selected states and National Capital Territory (NCT) of India 2020 Environment, Development and Sustainability
37 Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q., Mir, B.H. The influence of particle shape and gradation parameters on the permeability of filter media 2020 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
38 Mohsin, S., Lone, M.A. Trend analysis of reference evapotranspiration and identification of responsible factors in the Jhelum River Basin, Western Himalayas 2020 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
39 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Unconfined Compressive Strength Testing of Bio-cemented Weak Soils: A Comparative Upscale Laboratory Testing 2020 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
40 Gull, S., Shah, S.R. Watershed models for assessment of hydrological behavior of the catchments: A comparative study 2020 Water Practice and Technology
41 Shahmir, N.G., Tantray, M.A. A promising light weight future material – Translucent concrete 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
42 Dar, A.R. Advanced performance of fly ash co-mixtured self-compacting concrete 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
43 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Lim, J.B.P., Atif, M. Behaviour of partly stiffened cold-formed steel built-up beams: Experimental investigation and numerical validation 2019 Advances in Structural Engineering
44 Ahmad, A., Rastogi, R. Calibrating HCM model for roundabout entry capacity under heterogeneous traffic 2019 Journal of Modern Transportation
45 Akhter, M., Ahanger, M.A. Climate modelling using ANN 2019 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
46 Tantray, M.A. Comprehensive study on the effect of discrete steel fibre in short beams 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
47 Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q. Design criteria of blade shape filter material for graded cohesion less bases 2019 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
48 Badveeti, A., Mir, M.S. Development of pedestrian safety index model at mid-block crossings for urban roads in developing countries using multiple linear regression 2019 International Journal on Emerging Technologies
49 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Durability and mechanical properties of concrete modified with ultra-fine slag 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
50 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Rather, A.I., (...), Anbarasu, M., Roy, K. Effect of angle stiffeners on the flexural strength and stiffness of cold-formed steel beams 2019 Steel and Composite Structures
51 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Effect of Biological Cementation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Dredged Soils with Emphasis on Micro-structural Analysis 2019 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
52 Gul, M., Qasab, R.A., Naqash, J.A., (...), Yaqoob, K., Bhat, M.A. Effect of temperature on the rate of gain of strength of concrete 2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
53 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Experimental study on TGA, XRD and SEM analysis of concrete with ultra-fine slag 2019 International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications
54 Yousuf, M., Bukhari, S.K. Impact of geological and environmental complexities over infrastructure development in Kashmir Himalaya 2019 Disaster Advances
55 Simran, S., Dar, A.R., Kumar, R., Adil Dar, M., Raju, J. Improved performance of coal bottom ash co-mixtured concrete 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
56 Dar, A.R. Incremental effect of saccharum officinarum addition on strength characteristics of geopolymer composite specimens 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
57 Dar, A.R. Influence of cold temperature on performance of concrete in J&K - Comparison studies 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
58 Mir, B.H., Lone, M.A., Bhat, J.A. Laboratory investigation for development of local scour depth model for varying shapes of obstruction 2019 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
59 Shahmir, N.G., Tantray, M.A. Life cycle cost analysis of translucent concrete 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
60 Bukhari, S.K. Magnetic susceptibilities and fault surface anomalies. The study of land magnetic data & interpretations. 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
61 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Mechanical and durability properties of self-compacting concrete reinforced with carbon fibers 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
62 Mir, B.A., Sridharan, A. Mechanical behaviour of fly-ash-treated expansive soil 2019 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement
63 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Micro carbon fiber based concrete as a strain-damage sensing material 2019 Materials Today: Proceedings
64 Dar, A.R. Non-destructive evaluation of a steel plate subjected to mechanical damage 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
65 Sofi, F.A., Steelman, J.S. Nonlinear flexural distribution behavior and ultimate system capacity of skewed steel girder bridges  2019 Engineering Structures
66 Bhat, F.S., Mir, M.S. Performance evaluation of nanosilica-modified asphalt binder 2019 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
67 Tantray, M.A. Performance of beam-column joint using steel fibers 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
68 Bukhari, S.K. Potential alkali silica reactivity of aggregates from different sources of Kashmir and mitigation measures thereof 2019 Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
69 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Properties of concrete modified with ultra-fine slag 2019 Karbala International Journal of Modern Science
70 Lone, M.A. River vishav contribution to 2014 devastating floods of kashmir (India) 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
71 Dar, A.R. Role of Supplemental Cementitious Materials on the Strength Characteristics of GreenConcrete Specimens 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
72 Dar, A.R. Seismic safety assessment of masonry buildings through rapid visual screening-Case studies 2019 Disaster Advances
73 Mir, B.H., Lone, M.A., Rather, N.A. Significance of Shape Factor of Obstacle on Local Scour 2019 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering
74 Bukhari, S.K. Spatio-temporal land use/land cover dynamics in ningli watershed of jehlum catchment in kashmir valley, north western himalaya using remote sensing & gis 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
75 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Strain and Damage Sensing Property of Self-compacting Concrete Reinforced with Carbon Fibers 2019 International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications
76 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Strength prediction of high early strength concrete by artificial intelligence 2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
77 Adil Dar, M., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Atif, M., Syed, S. Strengthening of capacity deficient RC beams - An experimental approach 2019 Structural Engineering and Mechanics
78 Adil Dar, M., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Haseeb, M., Tahoor, M. Structural efficiency of various strengthening schemes for cold-formed steel beams: Effect of global imperfections 2019 Steel and Composite Structures
Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Comparative Analysis of Background Subtraction and CNN Algorithms for Mid-Block Traffic Data Collection and Classification 2020 International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences
2 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. A Laboratory-Scale Study on the Bio-cementation Potential of Distinct River Sediments Infused with Microbes 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
3 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. An Experimental Study on the Bio-cementation and Bio-clogging Effect of Bacteria in Improving Weak Dredged Soils 2020 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
4 Tabbussum, R., Dar, A.Q. Comparison of fuzzy inference algorithms for stream flow prediction 2020 Neural Computing and Applications
5 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Fayaz, S., Mir, M.S. Comparison of various shear connectors for improved structural performance in CFS concrete composite slabs 2020 Engineering Structures
6 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Correction to: Effect of Biological Cementation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Dredged Soils with Emphasis on Micro-structural Analysis  2020 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
7 Nisar, N., Bhat, J.A. Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1M HCl and 0.5m TCA by watermelon rind extract 2020 Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering
8 Gulzar, S.M., Mir, F.U.H., Rafiqui, M., Tantray, M.A. Damage assessment of residential constructions in post-flood scenarios: a case of 2014 Kashmir floods 2020 Environment, Development and Sustainability
9 Dar, L.A., Shah, M.Y. Deep-Seated Slope Stability Analysis and Development of Simplistic FOS Evaluation Models for Stone Column-Supported Embankments 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
10 Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q., (...), Mir, B.H., Dar, B.A. Design criteria of protective filters based on particle shape and gradation parameters 2020 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
11 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Development of indices for sustainability of transportation systems: A review of state-of-the-art 2020 Ecological Indicators
12 Shah, P.M., Mir, M.S. Effect of kaolinite clay/SBS on rheological performance of asphalt binder 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
13 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Effect of Microbial Stabilization on the Unconfined Compressive Strength and Bearing Capacity of Weak Soils 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
14 Gull, I., Tantray, M.A. Effect of short carbon fibres on the fresh state and compressive strength properties of self-compacting concrete 2020 International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties
15 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Effectiveness of polycarboxylate ether on early strength development of alccofine concrete 2020 Pollack Periodica
16 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Atif, M., (...), Anbarasu, M., Lim, J.B.P. Efficient cross-sectional profiling of built up CFS beams for improved flexural performance 2020 Steel and Composite Structures
17 Din, I.M.U., Mir, M.S. Experimental investigation of low viscosity grade binder modified with Fischer Tropsch-Paraffin wax 2020 International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
18 Sheikh, I.R., Shah, M.Y. Experimental Investigation on the Reuse of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement over Weak Subgrade 2020 Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology
19 Mir, B.A., Majid, B. Experimental study of behavior of geosynthetic reinforced two layer foundation system 2020 16th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, ARC 2019
20 Sheikh, I.R., Shah, M.Y. Experimental study on geocell reinforced base over dredged soil using static plate load test 2020 International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology
21 Adil Dar, M., Subramanian, N., Dar, D.A., (...), Lim, J.B.P., Mahjoubi, S. Flexural Strength of cold-formed steel built-up composite beams with rectangular compression flanges 2020 Steel and Composite Structures
22 Bhat, F.S., Mir, M.S. Investigating the effects of nano Al2O3 on high and intermediate temperature performance properties of asphalt binder 2020 Road Materials and Pavement Design
23 Mir, B.A. Laboratory study on the effect of plastic waste additive on shear strength of marginal soil 2020 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
24 Mohi Ud Din, I., Mir, M.S. Laboratory study on the use of copper slag and RAP in WMA pavements 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
25 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Microbial geo-technology in ground improvement techniques: a comprehensive review 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
26 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Modeling sustainable mobility using fuzzy logic: an application to selected indian states 2020 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
27 Altaf, Y., Ahangar, M., Fahimuddin, M. Modelling snowmelt runoff in Lidder River Basin using coupled model 2020 International Journal of River Basin Management
28 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Pande, S., Dar, A.R., Raju, J. Performance evaluation of different strengthening measures for exterior RC beam-column joints under opening moments 2020 Structural Engineering and Mechanics
29 Rasool, T., Dar, A.Q., Wani, M.A. Quantification of Spatial Variability of Soil Physical Properties in a Lesser Himalayan Sub-Basin of India 2020 Eurasian Soil Science
30 Mudasir, P., Naqash, J.A. Refinement of concrete characteristic properties with multi walled carbon nano tubes 2020 International Journal on Emerging Technologies
31 Samala, H.R., Mir, B.A. Some studies on microstructural behaviour and unconfined compressive strength of soft soil treated with SiO2 nanoparticles 2020 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
32 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Stabilization of Weak Dredged Soils by Employing Waste Boulder Crusher Dust: A Laboratory Study 2020 Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
33 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Strain-sensing characteristics of self-consolidating concrete with micro-carbon fibre 2020 Australian Journal of Civil Engineering
34 Mohi Ud Din, I., Mir, M.S. Study of warm mix asphalt using reclaimed asphalt pavement and copper slag: A review 2020 Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
35 Farooq, A., Mir, F.A. Subgrade stabilization using non-biodegradable waste material 2020 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
36 Illahi, U., Mir, M.S. Sustainable Transportation Attainment Index: multivariate analysis of indicators with an application to selected states and National Capital Territory (NCT) of India 2020 Environment, Development and Sustainability
37 Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q., Mir, B.H. The influence of particle shape and gradation parameters on the permeability of filter media 2020 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
38 Mohsin, S., Lone, M.A. Trend analysis of reference evapotranspiration and identification of responsible factors in the Jhelum River Basin, Western Himalayas 2020 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
39 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Unconfined Compressive Strength Testing of Bio-cemented Weak Soils: A Comparative Upscale Laboratory Testing 2020 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
40 Gull, S., Shah, S.R. Watershed models for assessment of hydrological behavior of the catchments: A comparative study 2020 Water Practice and Technology
41 Shahmir, N.G., Tantray, M.A. A promising light weight future material – Translucent concrete 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
42 Dar, A.R. Advanced performance of fly ash co-mixtured self-compacting concrete 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
43 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Lim, J.B.P., Atif, M. Behaviour of partly stiffened cold-formed steel built-up beams: Experimental investigation and numerical validation 2019 Advances in Structural Engineering
44 Ahmad, A., Rastogi, R. Calibrating HCM model for roundabout entry capacity under heterogeneous traffic 2019 Journal of Modern Transportation
45 Akhter, M., Ahanger, M.A. Climate modelling using ANN 2019 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
46 Tantray, M.A. Comprehensive study on the effect of discrete steel fibre in short beams 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
47 Rather, N.A., Lone, M.A., Dar, A.Q. Design criteria of blade shape filter material for graded cohesion less bases 2019 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
48 Badveeti, A., Mir, M.S. Development of pedestrian safety index model at mid-block crossings for urban roads in developing countries using multiple linear regression 2019 International Journal on Emerging Technologies
49 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Durability and mechanical properties of concrete modified with ultra-fine slag 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
50 Dar, M.A., Subramanian, N., Rather, A.I., (...), Anbarasu, M., Roy, K. Effect of angle stiffeners on the flexural strength and stiffness of cold-formed steel beams 2019 Steel and Composite Structures
51 Wani, K.M.N.S., Mir, B.A. Effect of Biological Cementation on the Mechanical Behaviour of Dredged Soils with Emphasis on Micro-structural Analysis 2019 International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering
52 Gul, M., Qasab, R.A., Naqash, J.A., (...), Yaqoob, K., Bhat, M.A. Effect of temperature on the rate of gain of strength of concrete 2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
53 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Experimental study on TGA, XRD and SEM analysis of concrete with ultra-fine slag 2019 International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications
54 Yousuf, M., Bukhari, S.K. Impact of geological and environmental complexities over infrastructure development in Kashmir Himalaya 2019 Disaster Advances
55 Simran, S., Dar, A.R., Kumar, R., Adil Dar, M., Raju, J. Improved performance of coal bottom ash co-mixtured concrete 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
56 Dar, A.R. Incremental effect of saccharum officinarum addition on strength characteristics of geopolymer composite specimens 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
57 Dar, A.R. Influence of cold temperature on performance of concrete in J&K - Comparison studies 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
58 Mir, B.H., Lone, M.A., Bhat, J.A. Laboratory investigation for development of local scour depth model for varying shapes of obstruction 2019 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
59 Shahmir, N.G., Tantray, M.A. Life cycle cost analysis of translucent concrete 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
60 Bukhari, S.K. Magnetic susceptibilities and fault surface anomalies. The study of land magnetic data & interpretations. 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
61 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Mechanical and durability properties of self-compacting concrete reinforced with carbon fibers 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
62 Mir, B.A., Sridharan, A. Mechanical behaviour of fly-ash-treated expansive soil 2019 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement
63 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Micro carbon fiber based concrete as a strain-damage sensing material 2019 Materials Today: Proceedings
64 Dar, A.R. Non-destructive evaluation of a steel plate subjected to mechanical damage 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
65 Sofi, F.A., Steelman, J.S. Nonlinear flexural distribution behavior and ultimate system capacity of skewed steel girder bridges  2019 Engineering Structures
66 Bhat, F.S., Mir, M.S. Performance evaluation of nanosilica-modified asphalt binder 2019 Innovative Infrastructure Solutions
67 Tantray, M.A. Performance of beam-column joint using steel fibers 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
68 Bukhari, S.K. Potential alkali silica reactivity of aggregates from different sources of Kashmir and mitigation measures thereof 2019 Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
69 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Properties of concrete modified with ultra-fine slag 2019 Karbala International Journal of Modern Science
70 Lone, M.A. River vishav contribution to 2014 devastating floods of kashmir (India) 2019 International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
71 Dar, A.R. Role of Supplemental Cementitious Materials on the Strength Characteristics of GreenConcrete Specimens 2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
72 Dar, A.R. Seismic safety assessment of masonry buildings through rapid visual screening-Case studies 2019 Disaster Advances
73 Mir, B.H., Lone, M.A., Rather, N.A. Significance of Shape Factor of Obstacle on Local Scour 2019 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering
74 Bukhari, S.K. Spatio-temporal land use/land cover dynamics in ningli watershed of jehlum catchment in kashmir valley, north western himalaya using remote sensing & gis 2019 International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering
75 Cholker, A.K., Tantray, M.A. Strain and Damage Sensing Property of Self-compacting Concrete Reinforced with Carbon Fibers 2019 International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications
76 Reddy, P.N., Naqash, J.A. Strength prediction of high early strength concrete by artificial intelligence 2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
77 Adil Dar, M., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Atif, M., Syed, S. Strengthening of capacity deficient RC beams - An experimental approach 2019 Structural Engineering and Mechanics
78 Adil Dar, M., Subramanian, N., Dar, A.R., (...), Haseeb, M., Tahoor, M. Structural efficiency of various strengthening schemes for cold-formed steel beams: Effect of global imperfections 2019 Steel and Composite Structures

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