1.Inventive Investment Using Bigdata: Tools, Applicability and Challenges Associated, Janib ul Bashir, Tahir Ahmad Wani, In Computational Management, pp. 599-627. Springer, Cham, 2021.

2. Taxonomy, state-of-the-art, challenges and applications of visual understanding: a review, Khanday, N.Y. and Sofi, S.A., Computer Science Review40, p.100374.

3. Deep Insight: Convolutional Neural Network and its Applications for COVID-19 Prognosis. Khanday, N.Y. and Sofi, S.A. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, p.102814.



1. SecONet: A Security Framework for a Photonic Network On-Chip, Janib ul Bashir, Chandran Goodchild, Smruti R. Sarangi, Design Automation Conference (DAC), [virtual], accepted as a poster. Accepted as full paper at International Symposium on Network on Chips (NOCS), Germany.

2. A Queueing Network-Based Distributed Laplacian Solver, Iqra Altaf Gillani, Amitabha Bagchi.In Proceedings of of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA '20), pp 535-537, July 2020.

3. GPUOPT: Power Efficient Photonic Network-on-Chip for a Scalable GPU, Janibul Bashir, Smruti R. Sarangi. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (ACM JETC), 2020.

4. Blockchain as an Alternative  Mechanism for Securing IoT Ecosystems by Jehangir Ali, Shabir A. Sofi. In Annual Convention of Computer Society of India 2020.

5. Ensuring Security and Transparency in Distributed Communication in IoT ecosystems using Blockchain Technology: Protocols, Applications and Challenges by Jehangir Ali, Shabir A. Sofi. International Journal of computing and digital systems.

6. SecSched: Flexible Scheduling in Secure Processors by Omais Shafi, Janibul Bashir. In International conference on parallel architecture and compilation techniques (PACT 2020).



1. Predict, Share, and Recycle your Way to Low Power Nanophotonic Networks, Janibul Bashir, Smruti R. Sarangi. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (ACM JETC), 16(1), 2019.

2. Iqra Altaf Gillani, Amitabha Bagchi. A Distributed Laplacian Solver and its Applications to Electrical Flow and Random Spanning Tree Computation. arXiv:1905.04989.

3. Power efficient Photonic Network-on-Chip for a Scalable GPU, Janibul Bashir, Khushal Sethi and Smruti R. Sarangi. International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS), New York.

4. SpliESR: Tunable Power Splitter based on an Electro-Optic Slotted Ring Resonator, Rajib R. Ghosh, Janibul Bashir, Smruti R. Sarangi, Anuj Dhawan, Optics Communications, vol:442, ages 117-122.

5. BigBus: A Scalable Optical Interconnect, Janibul Bashir, Eldhose Peter, and Smruti R. Sarangi. ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (ACM JETC), 15(1).

6. Slotted Electro-optic Ring Resonator as a Tunable Optical Power Splitter, Rajib R. Ghosh, Janib Bashir, Smruti R. Sarangi, Anuj Dhawan, SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, Silicon Photonics XIV, San Francisco, USA.

7. A Survey of On-chip Optical Interconnects, Janibul Bashir, Eldhose Peter, and Smruti R. Sarangi. ACM Computing Surveys, 51(6), 2019.

8.  Light-weight, Real-time Internet Traffic Classification, Z. Iqbal, R. Rahim, I.A. Gillani. IEEE international conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS), 2019.



1. Iqra Altaf Gillani, Pooja Vyavahare, and Amitabha Bagchi. Random walk-based in-network computation of arbitrary functions. arXiv:1702.03741.

2. Iqra Altaf Gillani, Amitabha Bagchi, and Pooja Vyavahare. A Stochastic Process on a Network with Connections to Laplacian Systems of Equations. arXiv:1701.05296.

3. Natural algorithm based adaptive architecture for underwater wireless sensor networks by Shabir Sofi and RN Mir. International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 2017.

4. NUPLet: A Photonics Based Multi-Chip NUCA Architecture, Janibul Bashir, Smruti R. Sarangi, ICCD (International Conference on Computer Design), Boston, USA.

5. Poster: BigBus: A Scalable Optical Interconnect by Eldhose Peter, Janib-ul Bashir, and Smruti R. Sarangi. PACT (Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques), Portland, USA.

6. Optical Overlay NUCA: A High Speed Substrate for Shared L2 Caches, by Eldhose Peter, Anuj Arora, Janibul Bashir, Akriti Bagaria, and Smruti R. Sarangi. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), 13(4).

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