User Services


The Reference Section provides needed information with regard to index/bibliogrphic/abstracting etc services to the members of library on demand.

New Arrivals:

The library has "on the shelf" an annotated classified bibliography to kep readers abreast of the new arrivals on bi-monthly basis.

Cultural Contribution:

Apart from the monthly books and land journals,the library has made good collection of books pertaining to Art,Philosophy & Religion,History so as to give filip to the widening of intellectual horizons of academic community.

Technical Films:

The Central Library has a good collection of video cassettes and the teaching/non-teachig faculty and students make full use of these.Moreover,library is on the path of enrichig this collection further.These video recordings are done by the professionals video recorders.

Services to SC/ST:

The library has good collection of books,separately for SC/ST students.Separate section is maintained for acquisition and processing this material.The books are issued to the students for one semester.The aim is to help weaker sections of the society.Funds for procuring such material is provided by Social Welfare Department of J&K Govt.


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