List of Workshops/Conferences/STC


Name of Faculty


Scientific and Technical Documentation using LaTeX

Dr. M. A. Bazaz


One week STC on “Introduction to MATLAB, PSCAD and LaTexfor Researchers”

Dr. Ravi Bhushan; Dr.Neeraj Gupta; Prof. A. H. Bhat


International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living

Prof.Aijaz Ahmad


Workshop on Introduction and Basics of Programming skills using MATLAB and PYTHON

Prof.Aijaz Ahmad; Dr. K. Jagtap


One week Short Term Course on “Renewable Energy in Science, Engineering & Technology – 2019 (RESET - 2019)”

Dr.FarhadIlahi Bakhsh and Dr.Asadur Rahman


One Week Workshop on "Power Electronics: Applications in Renewable Energy Systems"

Dr.AsadurRahman (Convener)


One week Short Term Course on “Renewable Energy in Science, Engineering & Technology - 2019 (RESET-2019)”

Dr.Asadur Rahman (Coordinator)


e- workshop on 'Smart Power and Energy Systems

Prof. A.H. BHAT


TEQIP-III sponsored Five Days Online Workshop on 'Application of MATLAB in Engineering' organized IET

Prof. A.H. BHAT


TEQIP-III sponsored Five Days Online Short Term Course on 'Emerging Techniques in Condition Monitoring of Electrical Apparatus'

Prof. A.H. BHAT


Five Days Online Workshop on 'Application of MATLAB in Engineering' organized IET On Campus NIT Srinagar

Dr. Mohammad Abid Bazaz


One week online Faculty development Program on, Outcome Based Education for the AICTE Approved Institutions of UTs of J&K and Ladakh

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


Five Days Workshop on Application of MATLAB in Engineering

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


Geospatial Inputs for Enabling Master Plan Formulation”

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


Remote Sensing Applications in Agricultural Water Management

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


Basics of Remote Sensing Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


Geographical Information System

Dr.Obbu Chandra Sekhar


One week e-Workshop on ‘Power System Control - A Smart Approach

Dr.Asadur Rahman


One week e-Workshop on ‘Smart Power &Energy System’

Dr.Asadur Rahman


Online Short Term Course (STC) on Energy and It’s Applications

Dr.Asadur Rahman


online FDP on Soft Computing Techniques (SCT-2020) organized by EE Department

Dr.Asadur Rahman


One week e-Workshop on ‘Power System Control – A Smart Approach

Dr.Neeraj Gupta


STC ON Large Scale Grid Integration of renewable sources; Challenges, issues, modelling and solutions

Dr.Neeraj Gupta


One week online Workshop on "Design and Analysis Tools to Explore and Visualize 2D/3D Concepts

Dr.FarhadIlahi Bakhsh


One week online Short Term Course (STC) on "4th Generation Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Tool for Industry 4.0 Using Typhoon HIL"

Dr.FarhadIlahi Bakhsh


Short Term Course on “Application of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Energy Systems”

Dr.Kushal M Jagtap


One week Online e-Workshop on “Smart Power & Energy Systems”

Dr. Ravi Bhushan


One week STC on “Large scale grid integration of renewable energy sources: Challenges, issues, modeling and solutions"

Dr. Ravi Bhushan


Five Days Online Short Term Course on 'Emerging Techniques in Condition Monitoring of Electrical Apparatus'



Five Days Online Workshop on 'Application of MATLAB in Engineering' organized IET On Campus NIT Srinagar



Webinar on 'IET and it's Importance to Engineering Students', jointly organized by IET On Campus NIT Srinagar Student Chapter and IET Delhi Local Network



AI Solution for Optimum Utilization of Power & Energy

Prof. Aijaz Ahmad


“Multi-physics Analysis of Electrical Machine UsingANSYS Software and PLECS Simulation Tool for Power Electronics Applications”

Dr. Obbu Chandra Sekhar



Special Track on “Performance Evaluation of Electrical Systems” in IEEE-IAS International Conference on ComPE-2021

Dr. Asadur Rahman

(Chair, Special Track)


Co-Coordinator in Opportunity and Challenges for Electric Vehicles in the Automotive

Dr. H.S. Pali and Co-Coordinator Dr. Neeraj Gupta


International Conference on "Future of Engineering Systems and Technologies (FEST-2021)" under FIST SOCIETY 18-19 Dec. 2021 conducted by FIST and Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering IGDTUW New Delhi.

Dr. Neeraj Gupta (Organizing Chair)


Just A Minute –The Extempore

Dr. ChilakaRanga


Multivariate statistical methods and applications(Organized)

Dr. Munir Ahmad Nayak

Sampling theory and its applications: Signal, Image processing, and Data Science  (Attended)

Professor Niraj and Safique

Remote sensing Applicationsin Groundwater Extraction Measurements (Organised)

Professor A. Q. Dar

Advances in geotechnical Engineering for sustainable Development  (Attended)

Professor B. A. Mir

 41 Emerging Contaminants in the Indian water environment - Challenges in their quantification, treatment and policy. 
04-10Aug 2022 (Attended)
Dr. Khalid M G
 42 International conference on recent advances in computational and experimental mechanics (icracem) (Attended) Dr. S A Waseem
 43 Conference: 8 International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology (ISFT-2020) (Attended) Dr. S A Waseem
  • 7th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, KSCSTE-NATPAC & CET

Dr.janani L

 45 International Conference on Advancements and Recent Trends in Civil Engineering, ICART-2021, 

Dr.janani L

 46 Machine Learning and itsApplications in Civil Engineering(Organised) Professor A. Q. Dar
 47  1st Indo russian international symposium (2022)  Prof. M.F. Wani and Dr. Sheikh Shahid Saleem
 48  High End Workshop on 3D Printing, Nano-Tribology and Characterization of Materials (2022)  Prof. Sheikh Nazir Ahmad and Dr. Sandeep Rathee
 49  One week short term training programmed on “Biomedical Devices : Design and Manufacturing” (2022)  Prof. Sheikh Nazir Ahmad.
Dr. Mohammad Mursaleen 
 50  High End Workshop (KAARYASHALA) One Week Training Workshop on 5-Axis CNC Machine (2022)  Dr. Dinesh Kumar Rajendran,
Dr. Noor Zaman Khan, Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Khan
 51  Additive Manufacturing From 3D Printing to the Factory Floor (2021)  Prof. Sheikh Nazir Ahmad, Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Khan
 52  Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation (2021)  Prof. Sheikh Nazir Ahmad and Dr. Mohammad Mursaleen
 53  Opportunity and Challenges for Electric Vehicles in the Automotive (2021)  Dr. Harveer Singh Pali 
 54  FDP on Outcome Based Education for the AICTE Approved  Institutions of Uts of J&K and Ladakh (2021)  Dr.H.S.Pali,Dr Obbu Chanra Sekhar,Dr Shabbir Sofi
 54  2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Energy Advancement (ICCIEA-2021)  Dr. Parvesh Kumar & Dr. Harveer Singh Pali
 55  International Conference on Nanotechnology for Better Living (NBL-2021)  Dr. Mukund Dutt Sharma
 56 1st Edition of Enviornmental Symposium on “Our Relation with Nature” (2021)   Dr. Mukund Dutt Sharma
 57  FDP On "Cognitive Skills & Design Thinking" (2020)  Dr Mohammad Mursaleen
 58 1st lnternational Conference on Computational intelligence & Energy Advancements (ICCIEA-2020)   Dr.HS.Pali
 59 STC on Non-destructive Testing & Evaluation (2020)   Dr. M Mursaleen and Dr.H. S. Pali
 60 STC on Additive Manufacturing:From 3D  printing Factory floor (2020)   Dr. H S Pali, Dr.M M Khan, Dr.Abhijit Dey and Dr.M D Sharma
 61 53rd Annual convention along with International Conference on Digital Democracy (2020)   Prof. M. F.Wani
 62  STC on Computational fluid Dynamics (2020)  Dr.H S Pali, Dr. M M Khan, Dr.Abhijit Dey, Dr.Manoj Kumar
 63  9th International Symposium on the Fusion of Science & Technologies at Thailand (2022). --- Attended  Dr. Noor Zaman Khan
 64 9th International Symposium on the Fusion of Science & Technologies at Thailand (2022). --- Attended
 Dr. H.S. Pali
 65 Scientific research in the field of materials science in abroad and Republic (Uzbekistan) (2021) --- Attended   Prof. M F Wani
 66 Use of Technology in Examination (2021) --- Attended   Prof. M F Wani
 67 Air & Missile Defense India webinar & virtual expo (2021) --- Attended   Prof. M F Wani
 68 Scientificresearch in the fiek:I of materials science in abroad and Republic (2021) --- Attended   Prof.M F Wani
 69  Air & Missile Defense India webinar & virtual expo (2021) --- Attended  Prof.M F Wani
 70 Useof Technology in examination (2021) --- Attended   Prof.M F Wani
 71 IEEE Sponsored International Conference  on Emerging   Trends   in Industry 4.0 (2021) --- Attended   Prof G. A. Harmain
 72  International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Material and Manufacturing (2021) --- Attended  Prof G. A. Harmain
 73  ANM2021
conference, Portugal (2021) --- Attended
 Prof. Babar Ahmad
 74 ICCEMME2020 (2021) --- Attended   Dr. M Hanief
 75  International Conference Futuristic Trends in Material and Manufacturing (2021) --- Attended  Dr. Noor Zaman khan
76 Innovation Ambassador Training (2021) --- Attended Dr.     Noor     Zaman
77 2nd International Conference              on Computational Intelligence           and Energy Advancements (ICCIEA-2021) --- Attended Mohammad   Mohsin Khan
78 Effective Research Planning and executation (2021) --- Attended Dr.  Harveeer  Singh Pali
79 lnnovation Ambassador  Training--- Attended Dr Noor Zaman Khan
80 FDP on Outcome based education for the ACITE approved institutions of Uts of J&K and ladakh (2021) --- Attended Dr NoorZaman Khan
81 Tribology Research Symposium 2020--- Attended Prof.M F Wani
82 Non Local Mechanics Approaches for Modeling Localized Deformations (NMAMLD 2020) --- Attended Prof. G A Harmain
83 ICFMET2020--- Attended Dr. M.S. Charoo
84 ICIMES2020--- Attended Dr. M.S. Charoo
85 ICIMES2020--- Attended Dr. M Hanief
86 CAMSE2020--- Attended Dr. M Hanief
87 ICFMET2020--- Attended Dr. M.Hanief
88 IIC Online sessions to promote lnnovation, IPR, Entrepreneurship, and Start-ups among HEls. (2022) --- Attended Dr Noor Zaman Khan
89 8th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology (ISFT-2020) --- Attended Dr Noor Zaman Khan
90 STC on Micromanufacturing processes (2020) --- Attended Dr Noor Zaman Khan
91 STC on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2020) --- Attended Dr Noor Zaman Khan
92 STC on Analytical Mechanicsand its Applications (2020) --- Attended Dr. H S Pali
93 Workshop on Digital Transformation in Teaching learning Process (2020) --- Attended Dr. H S Pali
94 FOP on Application of thermal Engineering in Manufacturing  Industry (2020) --- Attended Dr. H S Pali
95 8th International Symposium on Fusion of Science and Technology (ISFT-2020) --- Attended Dr. H S Pali
96 Digital Transformation 1n Teaching Learning  Process  (2020) --- Attended Dr.Mohammad Mohsin Khan
97 Recent Advance in material charecterisation (2020) --- Attended Dr.Mohammad Mohsin Khan
98 Recent Advance in Composite Materials (2020) --- Attended Dr.Mohammad Mohsin Khan
99 Fundamentals and Applications of CFD (2020) --- Attended Dr. Manoj Kumar
100 IPR and need for collaboratove research to deal with pandemics like covid-19 (2020) --- Attended Dr. Manoj Kumar
101 One Week Workshop on Research Methodology using SPSS and AMOS at Department of HSS&M, NIT Srinagar from 8th to 12th Feb 2020 Dr. Tahir Ahmad Wani
102  One Week STC on Basics of Management Research at Department of HSS&M, NIT Srinagar from 27th-31st August 2020 Dr. Tahir Ahmad Wani 
 103 One Week International Introductory Workshop on Innovations and Entrepreneurship at Department of HSS&M, NIT Srinagar from 7th - 11th September 2020  Dr. Tahir Ahmad Wani 
104  Two-Day International Conference on Contemporary Business Trends (ICCBT2021) at Department of HSS&M, NIT Srinagar from 16th - 17th Jan 2021 

Dr. Tahir Ahmad Wani

Dr. Sumaira Jan

Dr. Mohd Rafiq Teli

Dr. Nufazil Ahangar 

105  STC on Research Methodology at NIT srinagar from 23rd - 27th August 2021 

 Dr. Nufazil Ahangar

Dr. Tahir ahmad Wani

Dr. Sumaira jan 

Dr. Mohd Rafiq Teli

 106 International Interdisciplinary conference on Social Sciences and Humanities organized by DAKAM, Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey (online) on 05th November 2021--Attended   Dr. Nasir Faried Butt
 107  3-day Academic Reading and Writing Workshop from November 9, 17 and 20, 2021, Organized by Department of English, Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi (online) --Attended  Dr. Jaya Shrivastava
 108 Five-Day National Research Methodology Workshop from 7th to 11th Feb 2022, Organized by shoolini University, Himachal Pradesh (online) --Attended   Dr. Jaya Shrivastava
109 Five-Day Online national workshop on Research Methodology in Literature and Humanities, from 28/02/2022 to 04/03/2022 at NIT Srinagar

Dr. Nasir Faried Butt

Dr. Jaya Shrivastava

Dr. sumaira Jan, 

Dr. Mohd Rafiq Teli

Dr. Nufazil Ahangar

 110  International Conference on Studying Interdisciplinary Narratives through Literature, Language and Media ICIN'22, Organized by the Department of Engligh, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to be University), Tiruchirappalli Campus on 11 to 13 march 2022--Attended 

Dr. Nasir Faried Butt

111 Two Day International Conference on Contemporary Bussiness Trends (ICCBT2022) at Department of HSS&M, NIT Srinagar from 21-22nd May 2022

Dr. Tahir Ahmad Wani

Dr. Sumaira Jan

Dr. MOhd Rafiq

Dr. Nufazil Ahangar

112 One Week Workshop on computational Techniques in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering----Organized Dr. Irfan Wani, Dr. Prakash Ranaware, Dr. Anshul Gupta, Dr. Srinibash Mishra and Er. Aravi
113 Advanced Material Charracterization Techniques (AMCT-2022) from November 7-11, 2022---Attended Dr. Nitika Kundan
114 One Week Online Faculty Development Programme (26 July to 30 July 2021) on Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation ----Attended Dr. Nitika Kundan
115 Short Term Course on Chemistry of Advanced Functional Materials (CAFM-2020) during 21st to 25th September 2020 at Department of Chemistry, NIT Srinagar ---Organized

Dr. Ravi Kumar

Dr. Jignesh V Rohit

Dr. Mohammad Aslam, 

Dr. shrikant Maktedar


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